Facilities Committee Meetings:
Purpose: To discuss, plan, and address our school facility and campus PI and Maintenance needs
Past meeting: Aug. 10, 2023 5:00PM, District Conference Room
Upcoming meeting: Wed., Nov.1st, 5:00PM, District Conference Room. Future meetings determined at each meeting for the next meeting
Participants: Superintendent, Treasurer, Maintenance Supervisor, 2 Board Members, open invitation for Principals and Athletic Director, District Contractors, community members with contracting and maintenance experience & expertise and any interested community member.
Policy Committee Meetings:
Purpose: To discuss, update, and revise district policies aligned with legal updates & current practices
Past meeting: Feb. 8, 2023 8:00AM, District Conference Room
Upcoming meeting: TBD. None currently scheduled. Discussing OSBA recommended Policy updates and meeting as needed
Note: Every District Policy was reviewed and updated during the time period of Feb., 2022 - Feb., 2023. Occasional District Policies will be updated per OSBA, Legal Counsel, and District needs.
Future Meetings: Future meetings determined at each meeting for the next meeting, but anticipated to be the first Wed. of each Month and scheduled only as needed
Participants: Superintendent, Treasurer, an Administrator, 2 Board of Education members
Labor-Management Committee Meetings:
Purpose: To improve and/or resolve employee concerns & issues through discussion of various perspectives & interests
Past Meeting: Sept. 20th, 7:30AM Northwestern High School
Upcoming meetings: 10/18/23, 11/15/23, 1/17/24, 2/21/24, 4/17/24
Participants: Superintendent, Curriculum Director, Principal(s), Union Leaders, a Board of Education Member
Finance Committee Meetings:
Purpose: To improve the reliability, predictability, and efficiency of our district finances through discussion and gaining insight & knowledge through individuals having various perspectives & interests
Upcoming meeting: Monday November 18th 2024 at 5:45 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room
Participants: Treasurer, Superintendent, 2 Board Members, Union representatives, community members with finance experience & expertise, and any interested community member.
Insurance Committee Meetings:
Purpose: To improve the effectiveness and efficiency of our health care plans through discussion and gaining insight & knowledge through individuals having various perspectives & interests
Upcoming meeting: Thursday May 9th at 11: 30 a.m. at the Barn Restaurant in Smithville
Participants: Treasurer, Superintendent, 2 Board Members, Union representatives, community members with insurance experience & expertise and any interested community member.
Title I-Special Education (IDEA), ARRA Annual Meeting Notification