2024 School Board Meetings Schedule
6:30 pm - high school library
We will be live streaming regular monthly Board of Education meetings.
Additional Meetings
Finance Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday November 18, 2024 at 5:45 pm in the District Office Conference Room.
Citizen Participation at Northwestern Board of Education Meetings
Remember that the Board of Education Meetings are a meetings of the Board to conduct official business. There is no requirement for holding public participation. It is only because of our efforts at transparency, communication, and desiring feedback that public participation is encouraged. Appropriate demeanor and due respect are expected at Board of Education Meetings at all times.
Items for the Agenda:
If a citizen wishes to submit/discuss an item of business for a meeting, it is desired that this item be given to the Superintendent or President on the Wednesday preceding the Board meeting. This is the day that agendas are developed. This item should be submitted in writing.
Addressing Items on the Agenda
If a citizen wishes to address an item on the agenda, a request to be recognized should be made during the “guest” portion of the agenda and must sign-in prior to the Board Meeting in order to be recognized.
How to be Recognized
The person desiring recognition should raise a hand and wait to be recognized by the President.
What to do when Recognized
1. State name and address.
2. Address Board members as a group.
3. Board members may ask questions for clarification.
4. The President may use discretion regarding recognizing speakers more than once on the same subject.
5. Individual remarks shall not exceed five minutes and no more than 30 minutes will be devoted to a single issue.
6. Repetitive statements may be ruled out of order by the President.
7. The President may defer questions/concerns to be discussed with the Superintendent at a different time.
8. The Board will not discuss individual employees
Public participation is expected to be productive, positive, constructive criticism, or pose questions for the betterment of our school district – not to detract from our mission, create controversy or division, or inhibit the Board’s efforts to conduct official business.
If questions, information, concerns are requested community members are encouraged to contact the superintendent or treasurer who will be happy to discuss and meet with you.