7334 North Elyria Road, West Salem, OH 44287
Phone: 419-846-3519
Fax: 419-846-3584
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Enjoy the Fair!

Student Workbook/Tech Fees - Pay ASAP 
K-5 - $50.00

This year we have starting using Parent Square to communicate with families. Please be sure to Click the link below and follow the instructions to create your account!

Stem Preschool Students Only

You will only need to get a backpack for your child this year.  There is a $30.00 supply fee.  You teacher will be purchasing all supplies. 
Checks can be made payable to:  NW Elementary
You will also need to send in a change of clothes for your child just in case there's a need for a change of clothing.
First Month's Tuition is Due:  $240.00

Lunch Cost - $3.00 and Breakfast Cost - $2.00
Menus are located on the left under Food Service
The application is now available for free/reduced lunches.  You can login to your account or create an account.  You will need your child's student Id when you first create an account.  This student Id is in your Final Forms account.  Anyone can apply. It's worth the time to fill out the application and see if you qualify.
Please click the link:    

Students entering Kindergarten you should have already received an email from your child's teacher.  If you haven't, please email Becky, [email protected] and she will contact your child's teacher

 If you missed kindergarten screening, please call the elementary 419-846-3519 ext. 3101 for an appointment.  Your child needs to be 5 by August 1st of 2024 to be eligible for kindergarten.  

Stem Preschool 2024-25 School Year - $240.00 Per Month for 10 months or $200.00 for 12 months.  
There is a grant available, income will need to be verified.
 Please contact the elementary school for application and additional info.
School Year:  August thru May - Application under Printable Forms - Please call the elementary for more details.  We have a list for future years, please call and get your child on the wait list. 

New Student Document Check List Before Coming to the School Office:
  1. Birth Certificate
  2. Social Security Card
  3. Shot Record or State of Ohio Immunization Exemption Form
  4. Custody Papers, if applicable
  5. Proof of Residency - utility bill and mortgage statement/lease agreement/updated driver license
  6. Student's IEP and ETR, if applicable

If you are open-enrolling to Northwestern, please make sure you first enroll your child in the school district where you are residing.  Then come into our office and fill out the appropriate forms for Northwestern.

Kindergarten -  5th Grade:
8:55 AM - 3:30 PM
Stem Preschool-
AM (3/4 Class) 8:30 AM - 11:40 AM 
PM (4/5 Class) 12:20 PM - 3:30PM

Drop-off students may enter the building at 8:30, go directly to classroom.
Students eating breakfast may enter the building at 8:30, go directly to cafeteria.

If you have questions or concerns, please email our secretaries:
Mrs. Fiala - [email protected] for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students
Mrs. Sugg - [email protected] for Pre-K, Kinder,1st, and 2nd grade students

7334 North Elyria Road, West Salem, OH 44287 | Phone: 419-846-3519 | Fax: 419-846-3584
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7571 North Elyria Road, West Salem, OH 44287 | Phone: (419) 846-3151 | Fax: (419) 846-3361 logo
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