Northwestern Local schools will be closed Feb. 14 through Feb. 17. School will resume Feb. 18. Enjoy the long weekend!
Spring Soccer Registration is now open and will close on February 21st . Please click here to register.
Northwestern Youth Baseball Registration is open for 12U & Middle School until February 28th. Registration is online ONLY!! Flyers are available in the information rack. Please sign up by scanning the QR code in the attached flyer. Please contact Brett Imhoff (for 12U) at 567-203-8156 or Jim Yarwood (for MS) at 440-213-4732 if you have any questions. 2025 BB.pdf
2024-2025 Yearbooks are on sale now through April 14, 2025. Orders forms are available in the information rack or click here
The Northwestern All-Sports Booster Club has partnered with us to provide all our Northwestern students with the opportunity to attend all home games free of charge. Students will need to complete the parent/student agreement form and return to the school office. Once the students turn in their form, they will be given a pass with their name and/or ID picture on them. Students will be able to use the pass for free admission to all home regular season games. Thank you to our booster club for making this happen! The parent/student agreement can also be found on Parent Square click here or picked up in the main office.
SCHOOL FEES ARE PAST DUE! If you are planning on playing a spring sport or extra curriculars, fees must be paid by in order to participate. Please contact the office if have questions or to make arrangements for payments.
Parents: Please remember that students are NOT permitted to carry medicine (including cough drops) with them at school. Cough drops can be left in the office. Any OTC medicine needs to be turned into the office in its original bottle and have a drug permission form (see optional forms).
6 - 8 ELA - April 9 - April 10
8th SCI - April 23 - April 24
6 - 8 - MATH April 30 - May 1
**Please make sure your child is here on these days and avoid making appointments if possible.
2/19/25 Art Club 2:30 - 3:30
2/25/25 OHSAA Spring Sports meeting 6:30 @ NHS commons