7571 North Elyria Road, West Salem, OH 44287
Phone: (419) 846-3151
Fax: (419) 846-3361
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The Nurse News
Nurse Bowers Direct Line

If your child will require medication (inhaler, Epipen, Insulin, seizure meds, or daily meds) during the school day, be sure and get the appropriate documentation filled out by your child's physician.

For questions, call the nurse at 419-846-1151.
 Important Immunization Information:

Kindergarten requirements:

DTaP - 5 doses unless 4th dose was given after child's 4th birthday

Polio - 4 doses unless 3rd dose was given after child's 4th birthday

MMR - 2 doses / dose 1 must be after child's 1st birthday and dose 2 must be at least

28 days after dose 1

HEP B - 3 doses / dose 2 must be 28 days after dose 1 and dose 3 must be after child is

24 weeks of age and at least 8 weeks after dose 2 and 16 weeks after dose 1

Varicella(chickenpox) - 2 doses / dose 1 must be after child's 1st birthday and dose 2 should

be 3 months after dose 1

7th Grade requirements:

Tdap - 1 dose prior to start of school year

Meningococcal - 1 dose prior to start of school year

12th Grade requirements:

Meningoccal - 2 doses prior to start of school year (1 dose from 7th grade and

2nd dose before 12th grade) unless dose 1 was given after child's

16th birthday

Further questions may be answered by viewing the Immunization Summary for Attendance 2016-17 under Medical Forms on the school web site or calling the nurse at 419-846-1151.

7571 North Elyria Road, West Salem, OH 44287 | Phone: (419) 846-3151 | Fax: (419) 846-3361
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