7571 North Elyria Road, West Salem, OH 44287
Phone: (419) 846-3151
Fax: (419) 846-3361
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Northwestern Local Schools Mission Statement
Husky Mascott
The Mission Statement for the Northwestern Local Schools is "We prepare our students today for tomorrow’s opportunities!"
This mission is the cornerstone of all that we do. While the main focus is teaching our students the necessary academic standards, we recognize that we can not do this alone. This is a collaborative effort between our school, our students and families and our community. On this site we will include links to organizations and resources that may be of interest, at various times. 

Goodwill of Wayne County Services for students


Need help preparing for college or careers?  Goodwill Industries has programs that can help students ages 14-19, who qualify for the school free/reduced lunch program.  See your school counselor for more details.

Upcoming Meetings



Facilities Committee Meetings:

Purpose: To discuss, plan, and address our school facility and campus PI and Maintenance needs

Past meeting: Aug. 10, 2023 5:00PM, District Conference Room

Upcoming meeting: Wed., Nov.1st, 5:00PM, District Conference Room.  Future meetings determined at each meeting for the next meeting

Participants: Superintendent, Treasurer, Maintenance Supervisor, 2 Board Members, open invitation for Principals and Athletic Director, District Contractors, community members with contracting and maintenance experience & expertise and any interested community member.

Policy Committee Meetings

Purpose: To discuss, update, and revise district policies aligned with legal updates & current practices 

Past meeting: Feb. 8, 2023 8:00AM, District Conference Room

Upcoming meeting: TBD.  None currently scheduled.  Discussing OSBA recommended Policy updates and meeting as needed

Note: Every District Policy was reviewed and updated during the time period of Feb., 2022 - Feb., 2023.  Occasional District Policies will be updated per OSBA, Legal Counsel, and District needs.

Future Meetings: Future meetings determined at each meeting for the next meeting, but anticipated to be the first Wed. of each Month and scheduled only as needed

Participants: Superintendent, Treasurer, an Administrator, 2 Board of Education members


Labor-Management Committee Meetings:     

Purpose: To improve and/or resolve employee concerns & issues through discussion of various perspectives & interests

Past Meeting: Sept. 20th, 7:30AM Northwestern High School

Upcoming meetings: 10/18/23, 11/15/23, 1/17/24, 2/21/24, 4/17/24

Participants: Superintendent, Curriculum Director, Principal(s), Union Leaders, a Board of Education Member


Finance Committee Meetings

Purpose: To improve the reliability, predictability, and efficiency of our district finances through discussion and gaining insight & knowledge through individuals having various perspectives & interests

Upcoming meeting: Tuesday April 30th at 1:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room  

Participants: Treasurer, Superintendent, 2 Board Members, Union representatives, community members with finance experience & expertise, and any interested community member.


Insurance Committee Meetings

Purpose: To improve the effectiveness and efficiency of our health care plans through discussion and gaining insight & knowledge through individuals having various perspectives & interests

Upcoming meeting: Thursday May 9th at 11: 30 a.m. at the Barn Restaurant in Smithville 

Participants: Treasurer, Superintendent, 2 Board Members, Union representatives, community members with insurance experience & expertise and any interested community member.





 Title I-Special Education (IDEA), ARRA Annual Meeting Notification

Support Links
Family support resources related to social distancing.
Other Links


7571 North Elyria Road, West Salem, OH 44287 | Phone: (419) 846-3151 | Fax: (419) 846-3361
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