IEP Progress Reports:
Students receive IEP progress reports every 9 weeks typically along with the report card period. We encourage parents to check progress book regularly for current classroom progress/grades. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher individually. Intervention Specialist will continuously progress monitor IEP goals and objectives as they have done so in the past.
Response to Intervention (RTI)
Northwestern Local Schools uses a three tiered model of school supports that use research based academic and/or behavioral interventions. Often interventions and data need to be collected in order to provide adequate evidence in identifying a student with a disability. Providing interventions and collecting data is an integral part of student support. This RTI process has allowed many struggling students to be successful.
What is an Individual Education Program (IEP)?
Special education services are identified through an educational process. IEP's are designed to meet the individual needs of each student and to make progress toward the general education curriculum. An IEP team, made up of the following: parents/guardians, teachers, and related services staff work together to develop an educational plan. The plan addresses the following: goals, objectives, accommodations/modifications, and services to meet the student's needs. Services are provided through a continuum of least restrictive environment (LRE). IEP's are monitored and progress reported along with report card/interim periods.