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Friends and Collaborators,

I want to share the great news that Northwestern HS began a 4-year Clean Energy Program starting in the 2015-1016 school year. A $16,500 Ohio Dept. of Education Grant has allowed us to pursue these courses. We began the initial course with great interest, as we had 45 students, allowing 2 sections this 15-16 SY and will add an additional course each of the ensuing years until we have the full 4-year high school program in place. 72 students are enrolled in four classes for the 2016-2017SY. We are partnering with OSU/ATI and Stark State College for College Credit Plus and Articulation agreements and certification endorsements as well. The grant covered $10,000 of the $40,000 plus equipment cost, in addition to the first two years of program teacher training est. at $6,500 initial teacher and administrator professional development cost. We are also moving forward with a more advanced-engaging-challenging 4-year technology national "Project Lead-the-Way" 4-year Advanced Technology Program beginning in 2016-2017 as well.

We will be pursuing a grants to ch2m, Chevron, Subaru of America, Ohio Dept. of Education Straight A Fund as well as others for additional equipment and facilities supporting our STEM initiatives as we amp-up and prepare to implement our additional programs and further strengthen existing programs! We will also be pursuing additional funding sources and collaborations as we forge ahead (I continue to pursue legislation for a state 50-50 construction match for additional High School Lab spaces for our STEM Programs).

The "Innovation Station" Middle School STEM Lab dedication was a huge success, the Martha Holden Jennings Foundation featured Northwestern as a school of rigor and innovation in their 2015 newsletter, after visiting our Northwestern K-12 STEM programs. United States Congressman Jim Renacci, Representative Ron Amstutz, Senator Frank LaRose, Wayne County Commissioner Scott Wiggam have all toured our programs as well over the past year. We have been for some time discussing potential sponsorship of a bill to expand the current Ohio Revised Code language requiring Ohio School Facilities Commission to match construction only for STEM facilities for the few “Regional STEM schools” to also include “STEM Designated Schools” of which is only 25 schools across the state (Northwestern MS and Northwestern HS are STEM Designated Schools).

I have also been working within the Wayne County Economic Development WIN Committee and Wooster Area Chamber of Commerce to promote regional school-business-post-secondary collaboration, promote economic development and business growth, and align quality people to quality jobs. Rod Crider, Justin Starlin, Wayne Girbach, their incredible staffs, and the WIN Committee Members have put together our county-wide recent Oct. "Manufacturing Day", May 2016 Medical professionals Day, and plan greater business-school-college collaboration in our region. The positive results in Wayne have been astounding!

Northwestern has also been promoting the Ohio Means Jobs 50-50 salary High School Internship Program and recently announced Student Mentorship Program. The district has also invested over $72,000 this year as we made a significant forward leap expanding our elementary STEM K-5 curriculum with Project Lead-the-Way STEM programs and Elementary STEm Lab! This has made Northwestern a K-16 STEM School! We also were invited to join the exclusive 15-district "Ohio Innovation Lab Network" following a lengthy two-month interview and visitation/study of our ES, MS, and HS buildings, programs, and classrooms! This organization is focused on innovation, changing existing structures, project-based learning, rigor, varied student assessments, technology utilization, and lifelong learning.

We have continued providing ongoing (PBL) Project-Based Learning professional development of our faculty over the past two years and will continue through next year our efforts in blended learning, PBL, and Differentiated Learning. We are exploring blended learning models and breaking down the walls of traditional classroom instruction, thus reinventing quality education. Learning Design Collaborative, Math Design Collaborative, and Max Teaching, and blended learning are important foci of this initiative. Our efforts to integrate technology, increase student access to digital resources, create a 1-to-1 student to Chrome Book/Laptop ratio is bearing fruit! We will have a 1-to-1 student to device ratio in grades 5-12 to begin the 2016-2017 school year! It is an investment in our students and it is an investment in people and an investment in our future. Not only is Clean/Renewable Energy an emerging career pathway, but Agricultural Science in may fields, Biomedical, Robotics, Computer Programming, Engineering, and other paths lie ahead for our Northwestern students. We prepare our students today for tomorrow's opportunities, regardless of their direction and interests.

Exciting times here and ahead for our students, community, and our Northwestern family! We are committed to being a beacon for others as we progressively move forward with our engaging, rigorous Project-Base 21st Century Learning! Thank you for your ongoing efforts, support, and continued collaboration!

Northwestern has attracted more than 224 students from 13 area school districts each of the past two years. 11 years ago we attracted only 54 open enrolled students. These students and their parents join our resident students to be a part of our innovative, 21st Century, real-world education focusing on instructional rigor, relevancy, and relationships. Northwestern is a model rural school for the state and nation with a decisive business plan that goes well-beyond excellent programs and opportunities for students to also be the model for reducing costs and self-sufficiency.

- Construct a new greenhouse for Agri-Science
- Construct a sizable Solar Array, Wind Turbine, Biofuels area, and Geothermal system for the greenhouse - utilizing this space as a Clean-Renewable Energy Lab at Northwestern to and provide additional learning opportunities for students, reduce school operation costs, and reduce costs to taxpayers.
- expand the breadth and experiences of our Agri-Science students
- Complete our energy efficiency program (now 80% complete) to reduce our energy consumption. Energy saved is energy learned. This means completing our partially completed LED light retrofit, updating our HVAC systems, and increasing building insulation.
- Complete our HVAC Upgrades and Recommissioning.
- Human Capital. Continue to invest in people through lifelong learning and opportunities. Excellent school-age education, experiential learning, and adult education programs 24/7. We want our graduates and members of our community to experience their lifelong dreams.
- Construct a STEM lab addition to Northwestern High School.Increase collaboration, business internships, and engaging career paths for our students and adults to be productive and innovative for the good of our society.

Jeffrey N. Layton

Northwestern Local Schools (Wayne County)

Work 419-846-3151
Cell 330-317-5175

"Preparing our students today for tomorrow's opportunities."
Ever wonder what a Northwestern Band performance would look like from a blimp?
Now you can see!
Sorry, no audio.

Lower View
Higher View (Jimmy's first time recording the show!)

Black River is first, NW starts at about 2:30

Additional STEM Info
  * Official STEM School Designation!
Northwestern Middle School and Northwestern High School recently received word that we are officially 2 of only 25 Ohio schools having official “STEM Designation”!
This designation allows us to tap into federal grants, such as NSF (National Science Foundation), as well as OSLN (the Ohio STEM Learning Network) professional development, and state grants. This designation is essential to our progress and vision as we continue moving forward.

* Northwestern High School HSTW Gold Achievement Award!
Northwestern High School has been selected to receive the HSTW Gold Achievement Award at the 2014 HSTW (SREB) Summer Staff Development Conference at the Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Nashville in July! We are one of only 10 high schools nationally that will receive this award this year! This award is based on our 2014 High Schools That Work Assessment results.

* Martha Holden Jennings Superintendent Recognition:
Our Northwestern Superintendent was recently awarded the Martha Holden Jennings Ohio Superintendent Outstanding Performance Award. With this award comes a $10,000 donation. Mr. Layton is leveraging this $10,000 by using it as matching funds for Northwestern STEM Education programs. We have had two contributors contact us to donate a portion of these matching funds. We are seeking additional matching funds from businesses and individuals. The anticipated $20,000 total will be used to support development of our district STEM lab as well as elementary, middle, and high school STEM programs which foster rigorous project-based instruction, equipment, curriculum development, and collaborative business-school-post secondary partnerships.

Other items of note:
• Website STEM link: Over the next few weeks Northwestern will be developing a link to our website as a platform for sharing Northwestern and area STEM collaboration, events, academic programs, and progress. I will communicate this and share the link once we have the link established and sufficient information.
• Vermillion Advantage Teleconference: On Tuesday Northwestern Curriculum Director and I participated with area business leaders in an enlightening teleconference with Vermilion Advantage at Shisler Conference Center, which is operating a successful workforce development program for their county in Illinois. Thanks to Director Rod Crider and Wayne County Economic Development Council for putting this together. They shared examples and a road map for future area school, business, post secondary, and government collaboration that will promote progressive economic development and career and college readiness throughout our region!
• Visit from Wooster Area Chamber of Commerce: In May a group of business leaders and Wooster Area Chamber of Commerce Director Justin Starlin toured our campus, MS and HS STEM programs, and discussed our programs, collaboration with area businesses and colleges in terms of needs and regional economic development.
• Business Visitations the month of June: Northwestern Administrators will be contacting area business partners to schedule individual business meetings for the purpose of discussing collaborative ventures, identification of business needs, workforce development & career readiness, internships, school curriculum, equipment needs, as well as economic needs for the area. Businesses, feel free to contact Jeff Layton via e-mail or phone call if you want to reach out to us before we reach out to you to schedule these meetings. We will happily welcome a visit your facility to meet or have a lunch or breakfast meeting at another location.
• STEM Advisory Committee Meeting: Thanks to all who attended. We had 32 individuals participating!
• Straight A Fund Grant: Our Northwestern Straight A Grant Fund proposal made it through to the second round. The final state decision is expected by late June. This $189,120 is intended to purchase professional development and equipment to develop project-based environmental and sustainable energy blended learning, student research projects.
• Northwestern-Wayne College Partners in Engineering: Wayne College Professors and Graduate Students are welcoming Northwestern Faculty and Administration to planned professional development in August. We anticipate students to make visitations to Wayne College Dept. of Engineering as well as increased Wayne College visits to Northwestern.
• Engineers in the Elementary? Northwestern Elementary School has applied to pilot the PLTW (Project Lead the Way) Engineering Curriculum for the 2014-2015 school year. We anticipate being selected and embedding this project-based curriculum throughout all Elementary School grades.
• Northwestern Board of Education Commitment: Thank you to our Northwestern Board of Education for your support of more than $225,000 in wireless infrastructure upgrades, Chrome Books, equipment, and software for the 2014-2015 school year. We are now at over a 60% student to laptop/Chrome Book ratio in grades 6-12! We are also continuing our increase of elementary equipment!
• Northwestern Middle School STEM Programs: Northwestern Middle School is adding to our current STEM PLTW Programs and outstanding faculty by employing full time STEM Teacher and Business-School Liaison Lee Kimmich.
• ATI Partnership: Northwestern is planning a visit to ATI and Quasar mid-June for discussions of developing a possible renewable energies career track.
• North Central State Partnership: Northwestern is planning a meeting with North Central State College this summer to discuss a potential partnered Nursing/Medicine Associates Degree Program
Woman on bike


I think our future is very "bright" with these people in charge! Pun, intended!

Northwestern Middle School participants at OSU ATI Renewable Energy program:
Jen Buchholz, Julia Hagans, Karen Raber, Lee Kimmich, Joey Brightbill

7571 North Elyria Road, West Salem, OH 44287 | Phone: (419) 846-3151 | Fax: (419) 846-3361
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