7473 North Elyria Road, West Salem, Oh 44287
Phone: (419) 846-3833
Fax: 419-846-3163
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Scott Griffin - Spanish

Scott Griffin - Spanish
Family:  Wife, Angie, 3 boys Kenzo, Kaleo, and Silas
Pet:  Dog "Jazz" Golden Retriever
High School Graduated from:  Wooster
College Graduated from:  College of Woo
Hobbies:  Music, Guitar, Frisbee, Audio, Carpentry
Recently Read Books:  The Singularity is Near, The Singularity is Nearer by Ray Kurzweil
Favorite Movie:  The Matrix
Favorite Restaurant:  Barrio
Favorite Sports Team:  Huskies  College:  OSU  Professional:  Cavaliers
The best thing about Northwestern: is that it is named after North and West.  Westward is associated with exploration and growth.  North is typically associated with moving up.  Also Husky is a really cool looking dog associated with endurance.  This is just cool.
Who inspired me to choose this career path:  Combination of my 6th grade teacher who inspired me to teach and Costa Rica experience.
Few people know that I:  went on tour with a band years ago as a saxophone player.
My greatest hero is: SUPERMAN or SuperIntelligent AI
My greatest phobia is:  forest fire
My favorite Quote/Phrase/Scripture is:  "Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, charm, and life and to everything." - Plato
My greatest accomplishment is:  privilege of being a husband and father.
Words of Wisdom:  Blaze your first trail early so you can own many trails.

7473 North Elyria Road, West Salem, Oh 44287 | Phone: (419) 846-3833 | Fax: 419-846-3163
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